There are multiple applications that make up the Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) ecosystem.
The following sections provide high-level details of these applications.
The AIR Vaccinator Portal
The AIR Vaccinator Portal
The AIR vaccinator portal is used to record all vaccination types and view immunisation history.
The AIR vaccinator portal is used for providers that do not have an integrated patient management system (PMS). If you are using a system that is integrated with the AIR, then you do not need to use the vaccinator portal.
To use the AIR vaccinator portal, each health facility needs to appoint a facility manager who will complete their sign-up first. The facility manager role enables you as health providers to have control of who can use the AIR to record vaccinations at your site(s). A facility is a single site where vaccinations are provided. A facility manager must be in place before the vaccinating workforce can be onboarded to a facility.
Instructions to onboard including sign up links are provided in the Understanding the AIR vaccinator portal guide.
The AIR Administration System
The AIR Administration System
The AIR admin system is used by the AIR administrator workforce to manage the AIR. Functionality includes onboarding users, correcting consumer records’ and managing data errors.
New users who need to sign up to use the AIR Administration System must lodge a request with our service desk. The request must come with district lead approval.
Whaihua for Newborn Enrolment
Whaihua for Newborn Enrolment
The Newborn Enrolment service is part of a standalone solution using the Whaihua system. It is used by AIR administrators and Newborn Enrolment Coordinators to support the nomination of a newborn to a general practice to improve timely access to immunisation services.
New AIR administrators or Newborn Enrolment Coordinators who need to sign up to use the Whaihua for Newborn Enrolment service, please arrange for your District Lead to submit a request on your behalf with our service desk.
Whaihua for Outreach
Whaihua for Outreach
The Outreach Immunisation Services (OIS) service is part of a standalone solution using the Whaihua system to support the co-ordination of Tier 2 Outreach Services. Whaihua OIS manages engagement with outreach referrals and allows users to initiate outreach services for a consumer, assign a provider to these services, connect with consumers, and record outcomes of these cases.
New OIS Coordinators or Tier 2 OIS contracted providers who need to sign up to use the Whaihua for OIS service, please lodge a request with our service desk.
AIR Operational reports via Power BI
AIR Operational reports via Power BI
Power BI is a reporting platform used to create and enable access to a set of pre-built interactive operational reports that include identifiable data. Access is limited to defined organisations and roles and users must meet specific access requirements. All users are required to read the AIR Privacy Statement and agree to the privacy declaration before accessing the AIR operational reports in Power BI.
Power BI access for specified AIR operational reports is available to:
- Health New Zealand AIR administrators via the AIR admin portal
- Immunisation leads, immunisation coordinators and analysts employed by Health New Zealand or the Ministry of Health whose role justifies access to identifiable data
- Data teams from Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) with a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA).
To request access to AIR operational (identifiable data) reports, you must lodge a request with our service desk. Each access request will be managed carefully due to the nature of the reporting.
For further information about reporting please access the AIR reporting page.
Please note: some application processing times can take up to 10 working days. Once your application is processed, you will receive a confirmation email including the link to access Power BI and the relevant AIR reports.
Counts of immunisation events and immunisation coverage dashboards
Counts of immunisation events and immunisation coverage dashboards
Qlik is no longer used for operational/NHI-level or immunisation coverage reporting.
A new Qlik immunisation app is available and provides simple counts of all immunisation events in New Zealand. This includes details of vaccinations sourced from the AIR database. To request access to this Qlik Immunisation app, please emailBusinessIntelligence@tewhatuora.govt.nz
Coverage reporting for childhood immunisations, COVID-19, and influenza is available in Power BI.
An interim childhood immunisation coverage dashboard is available. The dashboard includes coverage by milestone, region, district, and ethnicity. This is available in Power BI to those with existing access to AIR operational reports.
Other information included is:
- childhood immunisation coverage by primary health organisation (PHO) and practice
- data for those who have declined
- a dashboard that includes influenza and COVID-19 coverage
New users must lodge a request with our service deskto request access to coverage reports